Czas przyszedl na pozegnanie z hostelem. 6 stycznia z lezka w oku oposcilismy Rotorue , Charlyn autostopem w kierunku polwyspu Coromandel a ja samolotem do Christchurch na wyspe poludniowej. Umowilismy sie z Charlyn, ze spotkamy sie tydzien pozniej w Queenstown. Ja, namiot, autostop i najpiekniejsze krajobrazy Nowej Zelandii... Taki byl plan. W momencie wyladowania w Christchurch do planu dopisaly sie 3 wesole osobistosci: Lasse, Gutier i Marysia. Przez przypadek zupelnie moj dobry znajomy z miasta Rotorua - Lasse, oraz jego znajomy Gutier , oraz Marysia z gumtree, podrozowali w kierunku Queenstown i znalazlo sie dla mnei miejsce w samochodzie.
5 dni z Christchurch do Queenstown ( przez Arthur's Pass, Franz Jozeph, Fox Glacier i Wanake) w zwariowanym towarzystwie, cud miod, kemping gdzie popadnie , z cudownymi pejzazami w tle, niezapomniane chwile, niezastapione momenty, swietni ludzie, i przepyszne kempingowe gotowanie.
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Time came to say good bye to our hostel job and all our friends. On the 6th of January we left Rotorua with tears secretly dropping down our eyes. Charlyn and her friend Jana hitchiked north towards Coromandel Pennisula. I took a plane to Christchurch on the South Island. We made an arrangement to meet one week later in Queenstown. My plan was to do a bit of hitchhiking on the South Island and put up a tent wherever I would end up. But just as my plane landed in Christchurch a new opportunity came available as my dear friend from Rotorua (Lasse) with his mates (Gutier and Marysia) happened to pass the town and agreed to pick me up from the airport and drop off at the convenient hitchhiking spot.
It turned out that they had just about enough of space in the car to welcome one more team member. And to make a lucky coincidence even luckier they were about to go to Queenstown so I joined in without hesitation.
5 days of the journey from Christchurch to Queenstown (through Arthurs Pass, Fox and Joseph Glaciers and Wanaka) with crazy companions, great camping spots, delicious cooking, incidental farts, forced burps and lots of surveying .... pure fun. Unforgettable great time