W Queenstown odebralem Charlyn z lotniska i przedstawilem me dziewcze zwariowanej paczce , z ktora spedzilem wesole kilka dni w rytmie bakow, przy akompaniamencie bekniec i zartem na ustach, piosnka w gardzieli. Queenstown jest przesuper, przepieknie ulokowane, zywe i niezasypiajace, dudniace od rana do rana, male swą powierzchnią, wielkie imprezą. Dwie noce to za malo.
Ja i Charlyn wynajelismy samochodzik na kilka dni, Marysia sie dolaczyla i nową paczką wyruszylismy w kierunku Milford Sound - ikony Nowej Zelandii, pejzazu nad pejzaze nie mieszczacego sie na widokowkach! W drodze do Fjordlandu zlapala nas zamiec sniezna, fenomen w srodku lata a takze prezent od natury (szczyty gor sie osniezyly ku wielkiej radosci naszych aparatow!!!). Piekno Milford Sound powala na kolana , bez dwoch zdan, bez dyskusji, kropka.
W drodze powrotnej podrzucilismy Marysie do Queenstown , druzyna pierscienia uszczuplila sie do mine i Charlyn wylacznie. Nastepny etap odkrywania wyspy poludniowej: wioseczka pod Mt Cook, najwyzsza gora Nowej Zelandii. Od pieknych widokow boli glowa, mruzymy oczy, podziwianie siega zenitu.
//////////////// ENGLISH
I picked up Charlyn from Queenstown airport and introduced my girl to my crazy roadtrip team with which I spent happy few days with a melody of farts and burps, jokes and half baked songs.
Queenstown turned out to be a great town with beautiful scenery around it, alive and neversleeping, partying till dawn. Two nights was not enough and I wish we could spend more time there.
Me and Charlyn rented a small car for a couple of days with a plan to reach Milford Sound (the landscape of the landscapes) and then drive to Christchurch. Visit Mt Cook area on the way, camp wherever and whenever we want (that´s the whole beauty of having an own car for a while). My Polish friend Marysia joined us on the way to spectacular Fjordland so yet again we had a happy team.
The day we drove to Milford Sound could NOT be more miserable. It rained heavier and heavier with every mile towards our destination. At some point rain turned into a snow storm. In the middle of the summer!!! We saw absolutely nothing through the car windows. To add more misery to already miserable time, our car´s breaks started burning, filling the car with smoke. We had really bad feelings about that trip.
But it all turned out for the best... The breaks would work after a while and the Milford Sound landscape emerged from the clouds giving us most dramatic and spectacular landscape, more we would wish to see!!!
On the way back we would camp in trully picturesque settings. The only downside though were the sandflies, you just can´t get rid of them. They are absolutely everywhere in the West Coast, nuisence! Without a net it´s basically impossible to survive outdoors...