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Dziesiec zero dla Wroclawia >>> Home is best (PL """ ENG)

Australia, Perth
Przejechano 37222 km
Niespodziewanie wpadamy do Perth po raz drugi a wszystko to wina Tiger Airways – tygrysie linie lotnicze zaoferowaly nam bilet z Perth do Ho Chi Minh w Wietnamie z przesiadka w Singapurze za jedyne 150 australijskich dolarow. Nie bylo sie co zastanawiac. Choc planowalismy wylatywac z Melbourne to jednak oferta Tigera przez Perth przebila wszystkie inne. Poza tym na zachodzie Australii czeka na nas ulubiona rodzinka, ulubiona dzielnica Subiaco i ulubione zachodnioaustralijskie zawszeblekitne niebo.

W Melbourne juz ziab, wieje i deszczy, idzie jesien. A w Perth wciaz lato:) yeah

5 dni mịja w superexpresowym tempie, zaliczamy imprezke obiadowa z sasiadami z Subiaco, spacery po parkach, zegnamy ulubione kafejki i australijska rodzinke. Znow odprawa, cheking, paszporty, 10,000m nad poziomem morza i pokladowa gazetka. Nawet nie zdazylismy przybic piatki z misiem koala. Coz, mis nie ucieknie. Moze tu jeszcze wpadniemy.

Co do Australii to potwierdzilem swoje przypuszczenia, ze nie jest to rạj na ziemi (tak jak sie to wydaje wielu mym znajomym). Jest fajnie, przyjemnie, przygodowo, plazowo i dlugodystansowo ale zeby sobie glowe zawracac, ze zycie bedzie lepsze po przyjezdzie do Australii!? phii, nie wydaje mi sie. Tu tez pada deszcz, tez sa zimne dni, mieszkania sa horendalnie drogie, zimne i fatalnie nieizolowane (brytyjski styl) , tez trzeba chodzic do pracy. Trzeba zarabiac sporo kasy by sie cieszyc australijskim stylem zycia, wszystko jest cholernie drogie, poza tym do butow wlaza weze i pajaki a do domu jest dalej niz daleko.

Wiec jest pieknie, blekitnie i jest luz i sa wysokie fale. Ale bez szau Panie i Panowie. Dziesiec zero dla Wroclawia;)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENGLISH

Suprisingly even for ourselves we happen to land in Perth once again. And at this occasion all the credit goes to Tiger Aiways which ofered a flight from Perth to Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam (with halfday stopover at Singapore) for only 150 australian dollars. There was no room for discussion here and although we planned to fly from Melbourne we are nơw happy to visit our favourite Oz tơwn again. There we have our best australian friends, our favourite coffee shops, our favourite neverending-blue sky.

Autumn has already reached Melbourne with chilly temperatures, rain and wind blows so we are happy to go west towards summery Perth.

5 days pass at express spreed. We only managed to tick a visit to few corner coffee shops, meet our hosts’ neighbours, roam around city Parks and prepare final-good-bye lasagne. And then again: checkins, stamps, 30,000 feet above the see level view and yet another on-board magazine. That’s us, 6 weeks in Australia gone so fast. We haven’t even managed to get a high five with a coala bear! Shame. Well, the bear will not run away (apparently they are very lazy) and we might be back to Oz at some poin in the future.

Regarding Australia – I have confirmed my assumptions that it is not a paradise on earth as many people (who haven’t visited Oz ) would think. It’s cool here, it’s fun, adventurous, chillout lazy beach lifestyle applies but there’s no need bothering that life will be immediately beter after arrival in Oz. As anywhere else it’s raining here sometimes, there are cold days, flat rents are horrendously expensive, you got to go to work and earn a lot to be able to enjoy the famous Australian laidback lifestyle. On top of that there are spiders and snakes to be found in the shoes and it’s terribly far far away from home.

So yes Australia is nice and cool and there’s a lot of good coffee and wine and friends and high waves to be found but in the end home is best!!!

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