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Falszywi kaplani ##### Fake priests (PL/ENG)

Indie, Pushkar
Przejechano 19056 km
Pushkar to jedno z najswietszych hinduskich miast, miasto setek swiatyn, miasto swietych ghatow (schodow prowadzacych do rzeki, jeziora) . Miasto najwiekszych naciagaczy (w zasadzie naciagacze zdarzaja sie wszedzie ale w Pushkarze sa bardziej niz natretni). Przyklad naciagacza: "kaplan oszust".... przewodniki ostrzegaja turystow przed kaplanami oszustami , ktorzy odbebniaja oszukancza modlitwe za brata, ciotke, zone, ojca itp i zadaja donacji.

Przyklad turysty , ktory pomimo wszystko daje sie naciagnac: JA:) a wiec ja i Charlyn szukamy uroczego miejsca na sniadanko, najlepiej gdzies nad jeziorem , przy swietych Ghatach, ja jeszcze zaspany, podchodzi ktos do mnie z kwiatem rozy i mowi: wrzuc pan do jeziora, to na szczescie! Wiec ja dobrymi intencjami kierowany otwieram swa dlon i kwiat przejmuje (blad!) i w kierunku jeziora sie udaje by swe szczescie skusic... Tymczasem koles, kaplan oszust czlapie za mna, pyta o imie ojca, brata, zony i zaczyna odbebniac jakiestam modlitwy. Czujac, ze wtopilem, czekam na koniec ceregieli i gdy kaplan chce mnie zlapac za reke i zawiazac kolorowy sznurek na przeglubie dloni (kolejny chwyt oszustow by wyludzic kase) ja robie dynamiczny odwrot , thank you for your prayers, doceniam pana modlitwy, i szybkim krokiem odchodze. A on krzyczy za mna: " a donacja?!?! " ...... nie mam dla pana donacji – odpowiadam i zaczynam biec w strone restauracji. A on mnie goni i krzyczy: " chyba zartujesz? Jak to nei masz donacji?" Na szczescie dobijam do orestauracji, koles sie odwalil.

Sluby. Trafilo nam sie , ze jestesmy w Pushkarze w dniu ceremoni zaslubinowych. Jakis weselny dzien trafilismy, cala noc strzelaja fajerwerki, ludzie tancza na ulicach, wte i wewte przechadzaja sie wesole roztanczone pochody z panem mlodym na przyozdobionym rumaku, super sprawa – odhaczamy tym samym uczestnictwo w kolorowym hinduskim weselu!

Wszyscy chca nasza kase. Albo sie do tego przyzwyczaimy albo odruch wymiotny i nienawisc bo ilez mozna ! Na kazdym kroku ktos ciagnie za koszule, kasa!, kasa!, zebrakow multum wkolo, jakis czas temu rzucilem kilka rupee tu i tam ( gdyby podarowac 1 rupee wszystkim proszacym budzet by nie wytrzymal) Nie dosc ze dzieci, starcy, kalecy, matki, kaplani, swieci bramini itd wyciagaja reke to w Indiach na kazdym kroku chca z ciebie zedrzec ile sie da. Juz akceptuje fakt, ze wstep do swiatyn, muzeow, palacowych komnat jest tradycyjnie 10x drozszy dla obcokrajowcow ale fakt , ze w kazdym sklepie sprzedawcy podaja klamliwe ceny poprostu wkur.... Kazdy produkt w Indiach ma wyznaczona MRP – maximum retail price, czyli maksymalna cene sprzedazy detalicznej. Kupuje Coca Cole, MRP 25rupee, sprzedawca prosi 50rupee. Ktos kupuje Cole chwile pozniej, placi 25 – pytam sprzedawce czy to pomylka, czy ja place cene "turustyczna"? Sprzedawca przeprasza, pomylil sie. Zdarza sie , nei ma sprawy. Gdyby nie to, ze to trzydziesty sprzedawca z rzedu , ktory sie pomylil. Na bazarach tez paranoja – "ile za ta koszule?" 800. " A to dziekuje" Odchodze, sprzedawca krzyczy 400!!! ide dalej, slysze "200!!!!!!! chwile pozniej... "50 rupeeee bierz pan!!!! Co do autoriksiarzy – ci to tez zdziercy , ze hej. Dlatego wraz z Charlyn wypracowalismy przebiegly syslem: podchodzimy do dwoch taksowek w tej samej chwili, czasem jedna chce 150 rupee , druga 30 za ten sam dystans;) Ide uliczka, widze kolorowe stoisko z przyprawami, chce byc grzeczny , pytam:" czy moge zrobic zdjecie?" Sprzedawca odpowiada: 10 $ prosze. "Ze co???, moze 10 rupee? " Nie, koles nie na zarty chcial 10 dolarow. Bez komentarza.


Pushkar is one of the holliest cities in India, packed with temples and Ghats (stairs leading to the lake or to the river). It is also the city of biggest swindlers (they happen to be everywhere in India but in Pushkar they seem to be more arrogant) . For instance: " a fake priest" .... all guides would warn you about this liers who would invite you to pray together for your fother, mother, wife, brother etc and then demand high donations...

Here we have an example of a tourist who (almost) get ripped off by a fake priest despite warnings – that is ME:) So it's early morning when me and Charlyn are looking for some charming cafe for breakfast, best somewhere close to the lake, close to the aacred Ghats. I'm still a bit sleepy when we come close to the lake. Someone is approaching me and hands me rose's petals and advices to throw it to the lake as a happiness bringing act. So I take the patels (mistake!!!) and go down the Ghats to put them to the lake. The stranger is (obviously!!!) following and starts the prayers the moment I throw the rose to the lake. Knowing that I screwed the situation I await the moment to run away. In the meantime the fake priest asks me names of my father, mother, wife, brothers... and includes them in his prier. When he is finished he tries to grab my hand and tie a colorful rope around my wrist (another common trick) I do dynamic turnaround shouting I THANK YOU AND APPRECIATE YOUR PRIERS and run up the Ghats towards restaurant. He's (obviously!!!) running after me shouting that I should pay him. I shout back: I WIL L NOT GIVE YOU MONEY. And he shouts back: ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I reach the restaurant and I am safe observing him and his friends attacking other naive tourists at the lake.

Weddings. We are lucky to be in Pushkar at the day of weddings. We made it here the right time, fireworks exploding on the sky throughout the night, people dancing on the streets (to the most weirs and cacophonic sounds I have ever heard) there are numerous parades with dancers, lights, and the groom on the white horse (bride 's waiting somewhere hidden). Great thing to take part in :) Colourful Indian weddings - ticked!

Everybody wants our cash! We either get used to it or or we just puke with hatred to that constant hassle. In the end how much can we stand that?!??!?! Every step we take means that somebody pulls our shirts, grabs by our hands demanding some money, whether it is a never ending crowd of beggars (I sometimes throw a dime here and there out of feeling guilty about coming from the West but my budget would soon collapse if I rewarded every hand opening in my direction). It's really not enough that children, elderly, crippled, mothers, priests saints and sinful want few coins... in India you are being constantly ripped of no matter where you are and what you buy and where you buy. I began to accept that entry to museums, palaces or temples cost 10more for tourist than to locals but when shop assistants are openly lying about prices of products simply pisses me off! Every product in India has MRP – maximum retail price that cannot be higher by law. Then I ask for Coke in the shop, MRP 25 rupee, the guy asks for 50 rupee, somebody (Indian) buys same thing after me and pays 25 rupee, I ask the shop assistant what the hell???!?!? and then he apologizes that he made a mistake SUREEE! I would believe that he made a mistake if it wasn't the 50th time in a row that somebody's charging me twice the maximum retail price! Same madness at the local bazaars, shoppers really think tourist are brainless idiots. You ask for the price of a shirt and it's 800 rupee (more than at home) you walk away one step they will shout 400!!!!! You don't want it they grab you by the hand and demand: WHAT'S YOUR PRICE THEN??? I don't want that, thank you. Then they would usually shout 50 rupee last price ( from 800 to 50 heheh). Same thing with taxi drivers but me and Charlyn had a method – we approach two taxis at once (sometimes the difference is huge, say, one driver wants 150 , other 40 rupee for the same distance). Yesterday I walk down the alley and see interesting stand with local food and politely ask if I can take a picture – the guy says $10 please. WHAT? Dollars or rupee? No dollars. He must be out of his greedy mind. I should have snapped a photo without asking....... Indian people in touristy regions are simply unbearable, they made the Indian experience really shitty, they should be jailed in my opinion. Bleghhhh
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Komentarze (1)
An Indian friend
An Indian friend - 2011-03-02 13:24
Oh my God, so much anger! The only solution is for you to show them how poor you are. Best thing would be to show them some pictures of 261 Holburn Street. Plus it now has a Microwave from upstairs that has an Indian double flag on top of it... they might even start to call you "Bro"!
Can I send you business cards - so can give them to all these needy hands telling them that the Africa Business Centre will solve their problems.
Radek Bialek
zwiedził 10.5% świata (21 państw)
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Moje podróże
11.09.2010 - 07.03.2012