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Scigamy Jamesa Bonda >>> Chasing James Bond (PL / ENG)

Indie, Udaipur
Przejechano 18678 km
W pociagu relacji Mumbai – Ahmadebad mala niespodzianka: do znanego nam z poprzednich pociagowych podrozy konduktu zebrakow tym razem dolaczyli transwestyci! Kolorowi, wyszminkowani, usmiechnieci maja metode na wyciaganie kasy od podroznych – otoz kazdy chce by tranwestyta sie odwalil i nie robil wstydu wiec brzdek wpadajacych do garnuszka monet slychac na calej dlugosci naszego wagonu. A propos tranwestytow w Indiach ciekawa anegdota. Otoz tranwestyci oraz eunuchy (wykastrowane chlopaki) stanowia w Indiach spora i dosc uciazliwa grupe spoleczna, szczegolnie obecna w polnocnych regionach kraju. Uciazliwosc dotyczy sposobu, w jaki owi "panowie" zarabiaja na zycie: napadaja oni bowiem na wesela, zadjac okupu. To nie zarty! Jezeli rodziny pana i pani mlodej nie oplaca sowicie nieproszonych gosci, dojsc moze do totalnej kompromitacji i wstydu – eunuchy zaczna sie rozbierac i obnazac swoje okaleczone intymne czesci ciala, czyli o radosnym weselu mozna zapomniec. Co wiecej: gdy eunuchy wypatrza zagranicznych gosci, najprawdopodobniej zazadaja kosmicznych sum (zagranicznych gosci chowa sie wiec pod stol na wypadek ataku eunuchow)...

Mumbai-Ahmadebad-no i wreszcie docieramy do Udaipuru.....

Kolacja na tarasie z widokiem na bialy palac na jeziorze, zamek na wzgorzu w oddali , palace wznoszace sie ponad miasto. Ogladamy Jamesa Bonda – Octopussy. Film w calosc zostal nakrecony w Udaipurze, w miescie, ktore wlasnie odwiedzamy. Ciekawe wrazenie – przez wieksza czesc filmu akcja toczy sie w Udaipurskich palacach, ktore mamy w zasiegu jednego spojrzenia.

Udaipur jest magiczny. Dwa palace na jeziorze, gorzysty krajobraz, imponujacy palac w centrum miasta, swiatynie, waskie uliczki i wiele restauracji na dachach guest-housow, kusza by przedluzyc pobyt w Udaipurze do co najmniej tygodnia.

My zostajemy tylko 2 dni. A to dlatego, ze Radzystan – obszar Indii, w ktorym sie teraz znajdujemy wypelniony jest ciekawymi atrakcjami turystycznymi, miasteczkami upstrzonymi bajkowymi palacami Maharajow (niegdysiejszych wladcow Radzystanu) i pustynnymi fortami.

Poza tym za dzisiec dni musze sie stawic w Delhi na przeswietlenie pluc – bez tego nie mam szans na wize work and travel do Nowej Zelandii. Z X-rayem szanse sa male, gdyz dla obywaleli polskich przeznaczone jest tylko 100 miejsc rocznie. Od 15 lutego mozna bedzie walczyc o jedno z stu miejsc (zakladam , ze chetnych bedzie kilka tysiecy wiec wojna rozegra sie na przestrzeni kilku sekund od godzny "0", czyli otwarcia nowej puli miejsc)

Historyjka o nawalonym rykszarzu... 10 minut adrenaliny. Na dworzec autobusowy wiozl nas autorikszach na totalnym haju, totalnie spalony, gaz do dechy, przez 10 minut trzymalismy sie kurczowo autorikszowych poreczy, tak jakbysmy trzymali sie zycia. Trzeba dodac, ze autoriksza odbajerzona byla do przesady, siedzenia obite cerata-skora z zebry, a w bagazniku zainstalowany audiosystem – to sie czesto nie zdarza. Tak samo zadko trafia sie tak bardzo zjarany kierowca. Jechalismy pod prad, na czolowe zderzenie, koles wyprzedzal na kazdym zakrecie, wpychal sie na czwartego, akrobacje na jednym kolku. Ale dojechal. Byla frajda:)


While on the train to Ahmadebad we are getting new surprises: so far we are used to a long conduct of beggars: cripples, blinds, children, sweepers, elderly... but this time we are approached by transvestites! They are wearing colourful Indian female clothes, lipsticked, they are all smiling and they do have their method to get the money: it's that everybody wants to get rid of an awkward situation and want them to go.

By the way, here comes an interesting story regarding eunuchs (castrated men) and transvestites. These "boys" are quite numerous in India, especially in the northern states. They live together in communities and they DO make a lot of troubles. If there is anybody who should be anxious about meeting eunuchs or transvestites personally – these are bride and groom and their families. It is very common that weddings are prime target of transvestites – they would come and demand often large amount of money. FOR WHAT? For not spoiling the wedding. If they don't get the money they ask for, they would start undressing and showing their intimate organs. No one would stand such a shame, especially parents of a young couple, so they would always negotiate and pay the ransom.

Mumbai-Ahmadebad-Udaipur >>>

We are having a dinner on the terrace with a stunning view on the lake palace, the castle on the hill in the distance, and the main city palace. We are watching James Bond – Octopussy with Roger Moore, the movie that was entirely done right here in Udaipur, the “most romantic city of Rajahstan”. It's amazing feeling to see all the same palaces on the screen and in reality, around us at the same time.

Yes, Udaipur is magic. There are two palaces on the lake, with the hilly landscape in the background, impressive city palace, temples, narrow streets, lots of roof -top restaurants with splendid views – it's all inviting to stay for relaxing couple of days and it's probably not a bad idea to do so.

But we only stay for 2 days and that's because Rajahstan (Western state of India) is packed with interesting tourist destinations, little towns with spectacular forts and romantic palaces that in the past belonged to local rulers – Maharajas.

Besides that, I need to speed up to be in New Delhi by 14th of February. That is a date when New Zealand Immigration will allow 100 (only!) Work and Travel visas for citizens of Poland. And I want that visa and I have to fight for it and I know that the competition will be hard. So I need to be in Delhi by the deadline, submit application seconds after quota opens, and have my chest X-ray done (that is health requirement to get that visa ) as soon as possible.

For good-bye a short story of a stoned autorikshaw driver in Udaipur. A guy gave us 10 minutes of adrenaline rush. He drove us to the bus station at night, being totally high, having smoked a kilo of something strong, he pressed the acceleration and didn't let it loose until the bus station, we were literally holding the bars as if we were holding to our lives slipping away. Oh, worth mentioning that the rickshaw was absolutely pimped! Zebra leather sofas at the back, audio system with giant speakers, that doesn't happen very often! So we were driving against the traffic, boldly provoking the crush, overtaking at every turning, on the edge of the wheels. Well, he made it to the bus stand without a scratch. Was kinda fun:)
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Komentarze (2)
Otto Pussy
Otto Pussy - 2011-03-04 11:10
Congratulations on getting your visa Mr Bond!
Q - 2011-03-04 11:11
that's me by the way, not Otto.
I just wanted to make a joke with Octopussy:)
Radek Bialek
zwiedził 10.5% świata (21 państw)
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11.09.2010 - 07.03.2012