Krotka dwudniowa przygoda w Hampi. Dotarlismy nocnym autobusem, wczesny poranek, wychodzimy z autobusu , wpadamy w tlum ( TLUM!) riksiarzy, tluka sie , kazdy nas ciagnei za koszule, w strone swojej rikszy, cyrl o 6 rano, przesmieszny bo nasz hostelik jest o 10 minut na piechote od dworca, tak jak tez wszystkie inne hosteliki, ale oni wacza o klienta, chca 10 rupii, chocby 5 (czyli w naszym europejskim rozumieniu mniej niz nic)
Okolo godziny 8 rano wielkie show nad rzeka: slon uswiadcza publicznej kapieli. Ciekawy widok, slon ma osobistych szczotkarzy, mydlarzy i czyscicieli: kladzie sie na boku i doswiadcza szczotkowania przez nastepne 20-30 minut;)
Hampi jest urocze, upstrzone swiatyniami w stylu sci-fiction jak dla mnie, alien versus predator, odlegle planety, miasta Obcych...
No i masa malp wkolo:) Mozna dla zabawy kupic kilka bananow i rzucic w kierunku malpiszonow dla zabawy i dla widokow.
We've spent 2 nice days in Hampi: arrived at 5am with a sleeper bus from Goa, made it through a crowd of agressive rikshaw drivers (at least 30 of them fighting for few tourists, ridiculous fight as most of the guest houses are 10 minutes walk from the bus stand heh)
Checked in at basic hostel, and run to the riverside to see the Elephant talking it's morning bath in the river. It is one of the few attractions of Hampi, besides ruins and temples. The Elephant belongs to the temple, it takes part in some of the rituals, it's being painted all over to look more sacred I guess:) But it needs to be brushed and washed every day... So it is accompanied to the river by the team of brushmen who would clean all the paint of it while it's lying on the side, partially in the river - cute view;))
Another thing to do in Hampi is renting a bike for a day and cycling outside the city, There are lots of cycling path among banana fields, ruins and temples are hidden behind every turning , which makes an enjoyable day trip.