Dzis post w formie listu zaadresowany do Sylwestra Rogoza z Aberdeen
Godzina 7 rano, -5 stopni, Lotnisko Humde, Annapurna, Nepal
Drogi Sylwestrze!
Pisze do Ciebie by podzielic sie niezmierna radoscia, ktora przed momentem wypelnila me serce.
Scyzoryk, ktory podarowales mi tuz przed moim wyjazdem z Aberdeen, ocalal w niesamowitych okolicznosciach
Choc spisalem go juz na straty
Scyzoryk ow wpadl w rece ochrony himalajskiego lotniska Humde
Tuz przed zapakowaniem plecaka na poklad awionetki wykonano kontrole
Ochroniarz, wpakowal lape do mojej torby i niestety natrafil na prezent od ciebie
Probowalem go przekonac, ze przeciez nie potne tym malenstwem skrzydel ani nie wydlubie dziury
#zakaz nozy i zapalniczek# brzmiala uparta odpowiedz
Noze i zapalniczki! Granaty, maczety, Molotowy, TNT wszystko inne dozwolone ale NOZE I ZAPALNICZKI NIE
boze swiety, nie przekonam prostego czlowieka! skoro go przeszkolono, ze noze i zapalniczki niet to niet
i wtedy do akcji wkroczyla Charlyn
pelna brawura, ze scyzoryk leci z nami
ze to podarunek od ojca dla syna na podroz, na szczescie, dobra karma, pozytywna energia
ochroniarze zdezorientowani
kobieca stanowczosc bierze gore
Charlyn atakuje pilota
prezent od ojca dla syna (...) nie moze zostac skonfiskowany
zamieszanie, obsluga lotniska, piloci, dyskusja
pilot przetransportuje scyzoryk w kieszeni
Today the blog takes form of a letter addressed to Sylvester Rogoz from Aberdeen
7 o'clock AM, -5Celcius, Humde Airport, Annapurna, Nepal
Dear Sylvester!
I am writing to you to share the immense happines that fills my heart.
The jack-knife you gave to me as a farewell present has been saved in miraculous circumstances!
Despie me loosing all hope to getting it back...
The jack-knife has been unluckily captured by the airport security
Just as my bagpack was being thrown into the plane
The security guy did a random check on it, sticking his hand inside searching for weapons or something
I tried to convince him that I ain't planning to cut the wing off but he wouldn't listen
goddamn stick-to-the-rules official wouldn't change his mind and I was about to give up
feeling that there is no way to change his mind
and then Charlyn took control over the situation
absolute bravery
the jack-knife stays with us, she would shout
“that's a gift from a father to a son” she would make up a story
the gift for good luck, good karma, positive energy
must not be left behind
the airport staff looses ground
women’s confidence is about to win us the case
Charlyn attacks the pilot with the same arguments
“the jack-knife stays with us, that’s a precious gift, and must not be taken away from us”
airport in chaos, ground staff in panic,
pilots discussion
the jack-knife will fly in the pilot’s pocket
and we’ll have it back