Irkuck robi wrazenie! Nie bez przyczyny mowi sie o Irkucku jako o Paryzu Syberii... Czysto, schludnie, czasami bogato i wystawnie, wkolo male drewiane kolorowe domki, wpisane w krajobraz miasta, troche zapadniete w glebe, ale urocze i oryginalne, milo sie zgubic, jest atmosfera, czuc historie, tradycje, cos czego nie widac bylo w zadnym miescie widzianym z okien kolei transsyberyjskiej, miasto tetni zyciem, Anastazja zabiera nas na swoja uczelnie, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny, sniadanie jemy na uczelnianej stolowce, wielkie zainteresowanie, milo i przyjemnie, gdybysmy zostali w Irkucku dluzej - mozemy poprowadzic wyklad - o podrozowaniu ;)
my tymczasem zabieramy sie nad Bajkal...
Irkutsk is impressive! No wonder why it's unofficially called the Paris of the north heeh ... Clean, all in order, happens to be rich and shiny at times, loads of the small cute wooden houses all around town, they are collapsing a bit but it all makes nice atmosphere of a pleasant town, it's fun to get lost among small streets, as the history and tradition is to be sensed around , which seems to be unique comparing to other towns and cities I have seen so far
town is alive, Anastasia takes us to her University of Economics, we dine at the university restaurant getting lots of looks and interest , if we had more time we could do a lecture about traveling!
but it's now time to check out Baikal lake/.....