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Spadlismy z dachu swiata ### We've fallen from the roof of the world (PL / ENG)

Nepal, Kodāri
Przejechano 15149 km
Najbardziej odjechany dzien wyprawy: rano budzimy sie z widokiem na Mt.Everest, w wioseczce na wysokosci ponad 5000 m npm by poznym wieczorem zajechac do Katmandu w Nepalu 4000 metrow nizej. W czasie kilkunastu godzin dramatycznych zmian krajobrazu jestesmy w snieznolodowej krainie Himalajow, w chmurach, by wyladowac w dzungli. Przez kilka godzin droga wije sie stromo na krawedziach przepasci - wtedy czujemy potege Himalajow, szczytow juz nie widzimy, mad glowami mamy chmury, w dole przepasc, ale przed chwila jeszcze bylismy ponad chmurami i wiemy jak wysoko wysko droga pnie sie w gore by dotrzec na wysokosc 5000m npm, a szczyty strzelaja o kolejne 3000 jeszcze wyzej. Gdyby nie ten zjazd z wysokosci byc moze bylibysmy nieco rozczarowani Himalajami, ze nie czuc tych osmiu+ tysiecy metrow, Mt Everest nie wyglada imponujaco z perspektywy wyzyny tybetanskiej. Ale zjezdzajac w kierunku Katmandu poczulismy ta niesamowita przepasc dzielaca sniezne szczyty i duszne doliny Nepalu. CZAAAAD!


The most awesome day of the trip (because) we wake up with the epic view of Mt. Everest , in the small village Tigri (over 5000 m) and throughout the day we make 4000 meters down to reach Kathmandu at night. During 12 hours van drive we are witnessing a dramatic landscape change - the snowy peaks of Himalaya at the beginning , then hitting the clouds from above, in order to land in the humid jungle valleys of Nepal. The road ( called friendship highway ) winds on the edge of endless precipice - that is only when we feel the might of Himalaya, as we already don't see the peaks, they are high above the clouds , but we had been there just a while ago and we know how high they reach , and now we try to see the bottom of the abyss below us but we can't , we are somewhere in between the unknown depths and remote peaks.

Maybe if we hadn't gone down this road we would not appreciate the greatness of the Himalayas , we would not have felt the 8000m+ heights at all as the peaks do not look that spectacular when you look at them from the level of Tibetan Plateau. But it was all wort it , despite some discomforts and altitude sickness. In the end it was unforgettable experience.
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Komentarze (1)
Dan - 2010-11-22 11:42
Radek Bialek
zwiedził 10.5% świata (21 państw)
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11.09.2010 - 07.03.2012