Pierwszy dzien w Pekinie koncze w szpitalu. 4 smazone skorpiony sie nie strawily. W dodatku kawalek skorpiona utknal (ogonek?) mi w gardle na pol godziny. Nikt mnie nie zmuszal do polkniecia 4 smazonych skorpionow – nawet za nie zaplacilem . W nocy Pekin kusi roznymi przysmakami skorpionami, wezami, wszelakimi robalami, mozna nawet kupic penis osla. Skorpiony wygladaly najpyszniej ( tym bardziej ze przez smazeniem sa jeszcze pelne wigoru, wiezgaja na patyku). Smakowaly jak Lays czipsy , czemu mnie scielo nie wiem , gdybym zrobil w Polsce test alergia na skorpiona , moze bym wybral penis osla, albo weza. W szpitalu wyladawalem z epilepsja i niemalze zwiedlym jezykiem. Proby nawiazania kontaktu z lekarzami (nikt w szpitalu ludowym po angielsku nie gadal, na szczescie mamy zdjecia skorpionow) plyny przeczyszczajaco odtruwajace, drzemeczka do rana, pora zwiedzac Pekin…
W Pekinie wszystko jest ogromne, ulice 100 pasmowe, 9 milionow rowerow , metro fantastycznie efektywne, historyczne dzielnice przeplataja sie z neo architektura ktora powala (na ten przyklad – budynek CCTV zdjecie ponizej ), pozostalosci olimpijckie, stadiony, wszystko imponuje, zachwyca
Mieszkamy u Liu, projektantki mody , w centrum Pekinu ( nasza pierwsza I nie ostatnia przygoda z couchsurfingiem ) , gotujemy , tanczymy I zwiedzamy Pekin. Rozmawiamy. Mieszkancy Pekinu nie do konca sa dumni z miasta – podobno wszystko to jest sztuczne, na pokaz, dla turystow, dla zachodniakow. Poza granicami Pekinu czy Szanghaju Chiny nie sa tak zachwycajace, ludzie pracuja 24/7 nie maja zycia, nie maja czasu na zycie , nie maja czasu sie zastanowic czy mogloby byc inaczej.
My first day in Beijing ends up for me in the People's Hospital. Well, looks like the four fried scorpions that I consumed earlier did not really digest. To be honest I didn't chew them properly and some small element of a scorpion got stuck in my throat (could it be the sting?). In the end it's all my fault as nobody forced me to eat scorpions, they just looked so delicious on the night market (close to the Forbidden City) , I did it for the story and for the experience, and that only cost me 20 yuan hehe. I could have bought a penis of a donkey, a snake or any sort of the bugs that are available worldwide but I decided to go for a scorpion , it's most spectacular dish of the night as you can see them moving on the stick before they are roasted (taht is evil and brutal indeed - I know!!!). So the scorpions tasted like Lays Chips (scorpion taste) would taste if they would be commercially available back at home, pretty good snack to go along with the beer (damn, mayne I should have swallowed the scorpion with the beer, or with wodka - I'm Polish in the end, right?!) . So why I got poisoned by a scorpion - I have no idea! I should have done allergy test for fried scorpions back at home so I would avoid the shame now but well, too late - my tongue swelled, my skin got so red all over my body and the temperature rocketed close to 40 degrees in a short time - enough of the symptoms to panick!!! So the hostel late night receptionist was responsible for delivering me to the hospital but get that: poor boy has never been to hospital in his whole life. First he took me to the hospital that turned out to be closed at night, the second try - public hospital - worked better (was opened!) but nobody spoke English so if I would be there alone it would be funny. Actually we would manage without the help of receptionist as we had pictures on the camera of me eating scorpions - with a lot of the zoom on the scorpon:) So it would work. Anyway, they plugged me to the .. don't know exactly what ... some secret purifying medication delivered straight to the vain and that eventually helped...
About Beijing - everything is gigantic here , streets are like motorways, 100 lines each directions, 9 million bicycles all around, metro is beautiful and shining, old districts are mixed with neo-architecture that as for me is stunning (just an example - the new CCTV building, check the pictures below, some of the buildings upper part is hanging high above the ground , cool cool, although Beijing citizens hate it - as it was built for the people's money and it's been incredibly expensive), o yeah - everything that's left after Olympics is stunning as well (all the Olympic village with the Birds Nest stadium exeptionally!)
We have our first experience with Couchsurfing ( which is a community of people who host each other for free, for the sake of a cultural exchange ) and we already feel that it may be the most amazing host ever... We stay with Liu, who is a fashion designer, great cook and probably the most optimistic person I have ever met in my life! Every day after work Liu is cooking for us and it's done totally spontaniously as we did not warn Liu that Charlyn is vegetarian:) So she has to change the menu last minute to include veg dishes. We have some unforgettable evenings with great food, great chat, really good music and some occasional dancing:) Liu, if you are reading this blog, best wishes to you! and thanks again for presenting us such fantastic week in Beijing!
oh, I almost forgot: I got Chinese name: Bai Huolong白火龙 (ognisty smok) and Charlyn's name is Liu Tutu (a rabit) ;)