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100 one night stands (PL/ english)

Wietnam, Ðà Lạt
Przejechano 42502 km
Do gorskiego kurortu DaLat wiedzie kreta dziurawa droga tak paskudna (podobno), ze nawet autobusy sie nie porywaja na pokonanie tej trasy. Tak wiec ja, kilkunastu bakpakersowych Brytỵjczykow i Australijczyk scisnieci lub tez zapuszkowani jak sardynki w vanie gnamy w kierunku uroczej gorskiej miesciny. Po drodze towarzyski fenomen – przez 4 godziny gada agresywnym (nie akceptujacym wtracen) monologiem kolega dwudziestọjednoletni Áustralijczyk. Przez pierwsza godzine leca smieszne z zycia hístorie typu golenie tylka metoda woskowa, ze jak to boli itp. Kolejne dwie godziny o niemalze smiertelnych wypadkach, sportach ekstremalnych i w konsekwencji niedzialajacych czesciach ciala typu martwe ucho. Na deser przez ostatnia godzine najintymnieszy potok zwierzen jaki w publicznym srodku transportu mielem przyjemnosc uslyszec. Otoz kolega jest zdesperowany by przeleciec conajmniej 100 dziewczat, ot taki zyciowy cel, ale pewnie bedzie wiecej bo juz jest 27; prowadzi dziennik z dokladnym opisem zdarzen, detale, techniki, okolicznosci, seks zabawki, zdalnie sterowana kontrola swiatla i muzyki w sypialni, wszystkie rodzaje kobiecych orgazmow, Miss poniedzialku, wtorku, srody itd, do tego przychylnosc rodzicow, ah, szkoda, ze tego nie nagralem!!!

DaLat mial byc urocza wietnamska gorska miejscowoscia wypoczynkowa a tu mamy do czynienia z odrobina kiczu, balaganu, azjatyckiego chaosu, czyli nie ma szalenstwa. Co wiecej, ja sie tu czuje jak w Karpaczu, czy Szklarskiej Porebie!!! POLSKA W WIETNAMIE (a Wietnam w Polsce, na stadionie dziesieciolecia w Warszawie heh) . Komunistyczny krajobraz tym samym pedzlem malowany!!!!!

Robi sie ciekawie i nietypowo dopiero po wyjezdzie z DaLatu, w kierunku Na Trang. Dzungla, dzungla, dzungla po horyzont, dzungla jakiej jeszcze nie widzialem. Tropikalna, gorska dzungla, duszna, parna i gesta.

### ENGLISH version ### ### ENGLISH version ### ### ENGLISH version ### ### ENGLISH version ###

There is a winding potholed way leading to a mountain resort village a way so bad that apparently buses won’t make it. Then there is me and bunch of backpackers from UK and Aussie dude packed or canned in the van like sardines, we are on the bumpy way to DaLat. On the way a social fenomenon occures – as long as the drive lats which is about 4 hours the Australian 21 years old fellow keeps talking, the monologue with no interruptions accepted. First hour the stories would relate to funny ridiculous life experience such as shavin butt with the wax while being completely drunk, how funny and painfull it is, and how problematic when only half is shaved. Next two hours of the storytelling would refer to life threatening situations, extreme sports, accidents and list of organs permanently damaged such us deaf ear after free diving that went out of control. But bét stories and tales were yet to come! There we were all about to hear the most intimate stories ever told to strangers at the public transpor. So the boy was desperate to sleep with at least 100 girls, just as a challenge or for the sake of having purpose in life; he’s doing well as 27 have been scored already; there is a journal in place full of all the details about the girls, encounters, methods, strategies, tricks, female orgasms that occurred, sex toys employed, intensity of light and appropriate music in the room, which one was Miss Monday, which one was Miss Tuesday and so on, nothing can be forgotten; and how the parents are favourable for all the efforts. Shame I didn’t record it all!!!

DaLat was supposed to be a charming village in the mountanious surounding and what I see is a bit cheap looking asian style chaotic town without mountanious spirit , so no big excitement to be found here I am afraid. What’s more is that I am utterly shocked to acknowledge that I feel like I am in a small town in Poland! Yes, yes, Poland in Vietnam. I suspect that it ís all about the communist town planning and architectural touch that must remind me of some of the Polish towns. It’s kind of amazing that communism had (have?) such a stretch – from Poland to Vietnam ; )

The landscape gets a bit more exciting outside of DaLat on the way to Na Trang. Jungle, jungle everywhere! But a kind of jungle that I haven’t seen before – dense, in the mountanious setting, humid and foggy,foresty but tropical.
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Radek Bialek
zwiedził 10.5% świata (21 państw)
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11.09.2010 - 07.03.2012